Although I’ve always designed the visuals for my own events, the posters featured below are some of the more exciting commissions that marked the starting point of my “freelance career” in design. What I really appreciate is the trust and creative freedom that a fantastic range of promoters and artists have allowed me to support them in the same ways I promote myself. Design matters as part of club or event’s vibe and at times that can be hard to capture. No matter whatever it is I dream up, I make sure each piece is invigorated with a sense of bold colour and movement.
Promo Video For Champion Lover Party Featuring WAAJEED From Detroit. Animation, Titles, And Editing By Andrew Gavin Hicks
Promo video for “Journey To The Light” At SOUNDSGOOD. Animation, titles, and editing by Andrew Gavin Hicks

Promotional Video For “MIX MIX DANCE COLLECTIVE” Featuring Dancers Emily Law, Ashley Perez, and Kevin Fraser.
Cinematography, Titles And Editing by Andrew Gavin Hicks.
Based on the strong reception of my work at Third Atlantic, I applied the same design aesthetic to many of these pieces for various clubs and venues throughout Toronto and surrounding areas. Budgets were often small, deadlines tight, and for each poster I was only given a title, photograph and location for the event. Although this may appear as a playground for a graphic designer I have to take into account the music genre for each event, because each genre has its own visual domain that corresponds to it as well as honouring the backgrounds that each artists brings.